Is your adolescent struggling with…?
- Making poor choices
- Low self-esteem
- Defying you and other adults
- Engaging in risky behaviors
- Declining grades
- Social isolation
- Experimenting with drugs or alcohol
If so, Challenges may be for them.
Group forming now for Fall 2019. Dates and time TBD based on schedules.
6 week program/meet once a week
$50/week (sliding scale available to those who qualify)
Call 678-395-7922 or email to sign up now!

Challenges is an adolescent support group and treatment program
ideally suited for teens experiencing difficulty with life transitions,
struggling with making poor choices, or engaging in risky behaviors
as well as those with low self-esteem or social anxiety.
We offer a continuum of support and treatment services including:
outpatient counseling, recovery and therapy groups, and family education,
support, and intervention, to help teens and parents develop
life skills necessary to thrive at home and in the world at large.
Challenges is a great prevention and early intervention program for
those displaying risky behaviors as well as an ideal aftercare and
relapse prevention program following more intensive treatment.